Wednesday, June 27, 2012

20 Day Full Body Cleanse - Days 3 & 4

Continuing on with this detox, totally focused.  This is a huge mental challenge more than anything else.  I'm fine with not eating any food, but miss drinking coffee in the mornings.

Day 3:
Woke up with a slight headached, but quickly disappeared after taking in some juice.  Totally miss my morning cup of coffee.  The dizziness dissipated down to 20%, so I can now focus on my daily chores.
After work I was energized enough that I worked out for a little bit.  Sleepiness still lingered, and crashed on my couch by 9:00 p.m.

Day 4:
No more headache in the morning, but a bit of dizziness.  Although I felt that I could exercise I decided to take it easy and just chill around the house, and just clean up.  Still feeling sleepy.  My body is truly getting all the rest that it's been lacking. Great time to recuperate from all the hard work on the last two years.

Ready for Day 5, 6 & 7, and more importantly, ready to eat fruits on Saturday, and start eating salads on Sunday.

starting weight = 168 lbs
current weight  = 162 lbs
weight lost       =     6 lbs

Monday, June 25, 2012

20 Day Full Body Cleanse - Days 1 & 2

With everything in place, and well prepared beforehand, I began my 20 Day Full Body Cleanse this last Saturday.

Day 1:
Took 4 colontones pills, waited one hour as directed before taking the compressed olive oil.  This combination is supposed to act as a bowel movement inducer.  It took more than the expected 5 hours for it to take effect on me, but it did.  It wasn't too bad as I had expected (I guess that's good news.)  For the rest of the day I simply consumed organic apple juice, and water.  One good side effect that wasn't expected was that I felt so sleepy.  As warned by the doctor, I stayed home the entire day.

Day 2:
Started the day by taking the schedule of herbs throughout the day with juices.  This induced more dashes to the bathroom, some totally unexpected.  I stayed home the whole day again.  Experienced sleepiness again, and had a huge headache, caffeine deprivation can be blamed for this.

It was a beautiful weekend, and I felt like I wasted it by staying home, but now I realize that I needed this kind of R&R.

My initial weight was 168, today's weight is 163.5.  A total loss of 4.5 pounds in two days.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead

I just watched this awesome documentary over the weekend that's moved me, and inspired me.

Focusing on two men whose bodies have been trashed by steroids, obesity and illness, this documentary chronicles the rigorous healing path -- including a two-month diet of fruits and vegetables -- that both attempt in a bid to rescue their health.

I will do a 21 day juicing fast, and once I'm done I will do all I can to have my mom do it, as well.

Whoever is reading this, I recommend for you to watch this, and consider it for your good health.

Now, back to my regularly scheduled P90X.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

P90X - Round 3 - Repeating Week 4

I'm well on schedule now, and making good progress.  I've decided to repeat Week 4 and benefit from the cardio to shed some extra fat to start seeing the definitions.  Exactly one month till Summer.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

P90X - Round 3 - Week 4 completed

I've completed week 4, fine tuned my diet, and followed it to the tee.  Finally!

Here's a progress picture, and also a comparison of my Day 1, back almost two years ago.  I'm still stuggling, but making progress.

Week 4

Day 1 vs. Current Day

Saturday, May 12, 2012

P90X - Round 3 - Completing Week 3

Been busting chops and hustling this week.

And yes, struggling with keeping a clean diet.

It's a challenge, and I'm trying. 

I'm beginning to see some real abs.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

P90X - Round 3 - Week 3

Started Week 3 yesterday, and pushed myself to the limit on each exercise to maximize the number of repetitions.

I was wasted by the end of the workout, but very proud to Bring It!